A photobook with my photographs I have presented in the 1st semester of my masters as the final work for the photography class in the Academy of Fine Arts of Ljubljana. All analog photographs by me, printed by Luminus studio in Novo mesto. Thanks to Peter Koštrun for all the support with this one!
Some randomly arranged photographs from the most recent wedding I did – the lovely couple Simon & Tanja. The wedding took place in Novo mesto and the dinner took place in Zidanica Opara, Trebnje. I will publish some shots from the wedding book itself soon! Enjoy and all the best to the newly weds! You can check some more of the photos in the portfolio area soon.
Special thanks to Jan Rifelj for backing me up as an assistant for a few hours!
Two posters I came up with as a typography assignment on the IADE university in Lisbon, Portugal. I really like the band called Placebo and the “every me, every you” is one of my favourite songs. The first poster was a “sure thing” but after experimenting and evolving my concept, I came up with the second version of the poster, which has much more meaning incorporated into it than the first “trendy” version of it.
Interior shots of a wine bar called malamačka in Novo mesto, Slovenia that I did a few months ago. Stop by for a glass of great wine or a selection of artisanal craft beers surrounded with great ambient!
This is a poster that was made for my friend Sašo, for the needs of the MEi:CogSci Conference 2015. It is a science poster entitled “GDNF, Ibogaine and Addiction” – thats is why its flooded with text, but nevertheless, he managed to win a 2nd place overall with the poster. Really happy about that!
Tako, projekt, ki se je začel dobri dve leti nazaj med mojim študijem na Portugalskem – Sodobni slovenski projekt, smo prejšnji torek, v Galeriji Vžigalica, zaključili. Zaključek smo obeležili z okroglo mizo (gostje Uroš Abram, Jasna Jernejšek, Jože Suhadolnik, Peter Koštrun ter Jan Babnik) na temo portreta v Sloveniji ter z dražbo del z razstave. Obisk in odziv je bil nadpovprečen in na tej točki bi se rad zahvalil vsem, ki so kakorkoli pomagali pri projektu, sponzorjem, ki so zadevo sploh omogočili ter seveda Nike, brez katere tega projekta sploh ne bi bilo. Kakorkoli, če bo šlo vse po sreči, se v kratkem vračamo z novim fotografskim projektom v malo večjem obsegu, tako da stay tuned!
Me and my brother have finally launched a project that was planned for a long time. Since there is more and more smokers changing to rolled tobacco, we felt there is a a need for a better product to help you get rid of the smoking accessory clutter in your pockets. After a few prototypes we finally settled for 5 color schemes + limited editions every now and then. All the bags are made locally by hand and therefor each and every one is unique. If you are interested in the product, take a look at our FACEBOOK site (webshop coming up soon!).
This is the first part of the project I started to do in Lisbon, because I was quite shocked how many homeless people live and sleep on the streets of Lisbon. The statistics are unsure, but its estimated that there are several hundred or maybe more living on the main streets and the numbers are rising and that is result of the crisis, which made a major impact in Portugal. The first 25 pictures were made for the final project in the class of Fotografia e Reportagem, mentored by Luisa Ferreira, and I am continuing the project until I will stay here. I tried not to confront them and I avoid taking pictures up-close, because I want to show them in the context, to show the place they sleep, which can sometimes be just a step in front of a hotel, a small space in front of a store and sometimes you walk past them and don’t even realize they are hidden in the shadows.